Distant and angry at God…..finally hope creeps in

I have not been in the mood to write for what seems like forever, which is ironic because writing, for me is an opportunity to release some of the hurt, frustrations etc that I have internalised and stewed over day after day. During rocky times, my desire and interest in a lot of things just flatlines. I am not productive. I can say that I … Continue reading Distant and angry at God…..finally hope creeps in

A moment of Spontaneous Reflection

One thing I am noticing is the need for validation from people regardless of whether we are close or strangers. This is not something new but it is something that I have momentarily succeeded in suppressing but ultimately failed to conquer over the years. God, thank You for making this issue increasingly evident to the point that I can no longer ignore it. Help me … Continue reading A moment of Spontaneous Reflection